Supersoakers Property Services
Pressure Washing in Edmonton, and More
As exterior cleaning service experts specializing in pressure washing services in Edmonton, we pride ourselves on delivering comprehensive solutions designed to meet all your needs. Our extensive array of exterior cleaning services include; soft washing, pressure washing, window cleaning, gutter cleaning, concrete sealing, graffiti removal, and more. Our professional exterior cleaning and sealing services cater to a diverse range of properties in Edmonton, spanning apartments, condos, houses, residential buildings, and commercial structures. Backed by seasoned technicians, we are dedicated to providing unparalleled exterior cleaning services in Edmonton and it's surrounding areas.
Service Categories
About Our Services
Comprehensive Solutions
At Supersoakers Property Services in Edmonton, we specialize in exterior cleaning services, offering expert solutions for both residential and commercial properties. Our services include pressure washing, window cleaning, gutter cleaning, exterior house washing, and concrete sealing. Our exterior services are designed to revitalize your property's appearance and extend its lifespan. We take pride in leaving your space gleaming and impeccably maintained. Experience the transformative impact of our services, leaving a lasting impression of excellence on your property.
Our professional pressure washing services in Edmonton are the perfect solution for removing dirt, grime, mold, algae, and other stubborn stains from the exterior surfaces of your home or business. Our highly skilled pressure washers utilizes advanced power washing equipment and eco-friendly cleaning agents to deliver exceptional results. Whether it's cleaning masonry, patios, driveways, or concrete , our pressure washing service experts will restore the original beauty of your surfaces, making them look fresh and inviting.
Some surfaces require a gentler approach to cleaning then possible with pressure washing, especially when dealing with delicate materials like stucco or sensitive areas. Our soft washing service utilizes low-pressure techniques and specialized cleaning solutions to remove dirt, mold, algae, and other contaminants without causing damage to your surfaces. Whether it's your roof, painted decks and fences, outdoor furniture and equipment, stucco or viny siding needing cleaning , our soft washing methods are safe and effective, leaving your surfaces clean and undamaged.
Clean and sparkling windows can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of any building. Our window cleaning services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Our trained technicians will carefully remove dirt, streaks, and smudges from your windows, ensuring a streak-free and crystal-clear finish. Whether you have a single-story home or a multi-story office building, we have the expertise and equipment to handle all your window cleaning requirements.
Maintaining clean and functional gutters is essential for the proper drainage and protection of your property. Our gutter cleaning services ensure that your gutters are free from debris, leaves, and other obstructions that can lead to water damage. Our skilled team will carefully remove all the accumulated debris, ensuring that water flows smoothly through your gutters and downspouts, preventing potential issues like leaks, mold growth, and structural damage. Contact us today for a thorough gutter cleaning service
Protecting your concrete, masonry, and natural stone surfaces is essential to ensure their longevity and appearance. Our sealing services provide a protective barrier against stains, moisture penetration, and the damaging effects of weather exposure. Our skilled technicians will apply high-quality sealants that enhance the color, prevent deterioration, and make your surfaces more resistant to future damage. Whether its stone sealing, masonry sealing, or concrete sealing, we've got you covered.
At Supersoakers Property Services, we take pride in our exceptional deck and fence cleaning services, coupled with expert wood rejuvenation techniques that breathe new life into your outdoor spaces. Our skilled team understands the significance of well-maintained decks and fences, not just for aesthetic reasons but also for ensuring their longevity. With our state-of-the-art pressure washing and soft washing techniques, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we thoroughly cleanse every nook and cranny removing dirt, grime, and old fading stains. What sets us apart is our commitment to preserving the natural beauty of wood. Through our rejuvenation process, we bring back the luster and charm of your decks and fences, making them look as good as new.
Supersoakers Property Services specializes in graffiti removal in Edmonton, as well as protective coatings for surfaces including walls and murals. Our pressure washers and specialty chemicals can swiftly eliminate graffiti, restoring surfaces to their original state without damage. Our expert application of protective coatings ensures long-lasting defense against future vandalism. Trust us to preserve the beauty of your spaces and murals, keeping them vibrant and free from unwanted markings.
Supersoakers Property Services offers a streamlined two-step cleaning process for fleet washing, commercial vehicles,, and heavy equipment. Step 1 employs a low pH presoak to neutralize negative charges and target oxidation, while Step 2 uses a high pH soap to tackle positive charges, grease, oils, and grime. This efficient approach ensures a thorough clean without scrubbing or the use of our pressure washing equipment, saving time and water, and ensuring no damage occurs. Trust us for an eco-friendly soft washing solution that leaves your vehicles spotless and preserves their surfaces, without the use of pressure washing.
We utilize a safe, eco-friendly, modern technique called soft washing for our house washing service in Edmonton. With a passion for pristine exteriors, we offer more than just house washing; we offer a complete property transformation. Our comprehensive exterior cleaning services are comprehensive and can tackle residential and commercial buildings, ensuring your property is protected and radiates with cleanliness.
What We Offer
Experienced Providers
Supersoakers Property Services provides a range of exterior cleaning services to help you keep your property looking its best. We have experienced pressure washing technicians who are knowledgeable in exterior cleaning, including storefronts, house washing, commercial building washing, soft washing, power washing, window cleaning, gutter cleaning, and more. Whether you’re looking to improve your curb appeal or maintain the beauty of your property, Supersoakers Property Services will provide you with the highest quality service.
Customized Schedules
We offer a flexible schedule to accommodate our customers’ busy lives. Our experienced team of exterior cleaning professionals will work with you to find a time and date that works best for you.. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality services and the best customer service experience possible.
Advanced Products
Supersoakers Property Services is the premier choice in Edmonton for all your pressure washing, soft washing, and window cleaning needs. Our team of experienced professionals use the latest equipment and chemical treatments to make sure your property looks its best. We take pride in our customer service and our attention to detail.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning
Soft washing is an effective and safe way to sterilize surfaces, making it a great alternative to harsher chemical cleaning methods. Additionally, our soft washing service is eco-friendly, and can be performed on a variety of surfaces, including wood, vinyl siding, stucco, and brick. We use bio-degradable surfactants and other eco friendly chemicals to make your home or commercial property shine.
Our Reputation

At Supersoakers Property Services, we strive to ensure customer satisfaction with our work. We take pride in our reputation for providing superior pressure washing, house cleaning, and sealing services at competitive rates. We are so confident in our services that we guarantee satisfaction with every job.
Our Commitment
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you're unsatisfied with the results of any of our property washing services, simply let us know within 2 days, and we'll quickly make it right. We're committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience, and we're always happy to promptly correct any issues that may arise. Thank you for choosing Supersoakers Property Services for all your exterior cleaning needs!
Insured for your protection

Supersoakers Property Services is a dedicated cleaning company committed to prioritizing safety, meticulous care, and precautionary measures. Recognizing the inevitability of accidents, we adhere to strict safety protocols and maintain comprehensive commercial liability insurance to safeguard our clients. Our team is deeply passionate about delivering outstanding customer service, consistently surpassing industry safety benchmarks. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the exceptional results we achieve, reflecting our pride in the quality of our work.